Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

Rémi Abgrall is associate editor of the international journals “Mathematical of Computation”, “Computer and Fluids”, “Journal of Computational Physics”, “Journal of Scientific Computing” and “Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics”. He is co-editor in chief of the “International Journal on Numercal methods in Fluids”. He is member of the scientific committee of the international conference ICCFD, He is member of the CFD committee of ECOMAS and of the scientific comitee of ECCOMAS 2012. He is also member of the scientific committee of CERFACS. He is member of the GP1 group of Allistène. He is member of the Comité National du CNRS, section 01. He is member of the board of the GAMNI group of SMAI and is its current responsible. He is member of the board of Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux.

Pierre Ramet and Rémi Abgrall are members of the GENCI scientific committee (Mathematics and Computer Sciences). R. Abgrall also belongs to the Fluid mechanics one.

François Pellegrini and Pierre Ramet have been members of the “commission consultative” for the LaBRI in 2010.

Pierre Ramet was in the decision board of the "MCIA" project (Mésocentre Aquitain : un environnement Mutualisé de Calcul Intensif en Aquitaine).

Cécile Dobrzynski is one of the organizers of the seminar "Modélisation et Calcul" of the Institut mathématiques de Bordeaux. She is member of the board of the GAMNI group of SMAI and she is secretary. She is member of the scientific committee for the organization of mini-symposia in collaboration between SMAI-GAMNI and AUM for CANUM 2012.